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Primebase ​ When
PrimeBase works as a catalyst on surfaces. When applied correctly it changes the chemical and physical properties of the surface in such a way that the soil attains a better strength and density than would be possible from its nature alone. This is reached by continuously changing the water binding power of soil particles (or 'colloids'). As a result capillary action is almost completely broken down. PrimeBase is not an aggregate or binding material like cement or lime asphalt or silt. Instead it needs only to be present in the soil to provide a more compact bedding and almost entirely prevent subsequent swelling. Moisture and frost have no effect on this. PrimeBase is able to release ground appropriate cohesions and to impact the ground performance in such a way that a permanent gain of compression under load will be achieved. PrimeBase is perfectly ecological and their application for the environment completely harmless. From the solidification of the soil with PrimeBase a durable connection with the treated soil particles is obtained. PrimeBase is a chemical product operating at boundary layers and thereby dissolving the hard water coating which results in an irreversible agglomeration of capillary and micro particles within the treated ground. The intelligent way to save time material and costs... PrimeBase PrimeBase Technology Soil stabilizing road construction soil base stabilizer compacting soil how to avoid road failures clay compacting sub base rail ways construction rail ways agriculture road improved compressibility

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PrimeBase works as a catalyst on surfaces. When applied correctly it changes the chemical ... ​ ​ ​ >>> ​ ​ Who is PrimeBase? PrimeBase is the result of a successful partnership of individual Home PrimeBase PrimeBase Technology Soil

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